jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019

Guide to Shearbank's Citizenry

Sons and daughters of Shearbank,

We believe in the supreme reality of Shearbank. To strengthen her, to make her great is the paramount task of every citizen of Shearbank. Personal interest, collective or class interests must surrender to the achievement of this goal.

Human dignity, the spiritual integrity of man and his freedom are eternal, intangible values and rights. But only he who belongs to a strong, free nation is truly free. No one will be allowed to use his liberty to make attempts against the unity, the strength or the freedom of Shearbank. Harsh discipline will be directed against every attempt to poison, to divide the people of Shearbank or to distance them from the destiny of Shearbank.

The Patriotic Armed Forces of Shearbank (PAFS) is formed. It stands ready to fight to death against foreign intervention in Shearbank as well as anti-Shearbank forces within Shearbank.

Regardless of whatever "fake news" accusations may spew against NMGM/PAFS, whether in informal chit-chat or in the mainstream media- no one has ever been forced to join NMGM/PAFS.

Our philosophy is not "join or die". NMGM/PAFS is a military organization for those willing to kill and die- for Shearbank and for the construction of a New Malton. Citizens are not required to join. They are free to enjoy life as civilians.

Shearbank is the center of a New Malton.

Shearbank is exceptional. This is what a citizen of Shearbank must believe. You must believe in Shearbank. Shearbank demands your love and your deep sense of patriotic duty.

No one can be indifferent against the forces that threaten Shearbank!

Shearbank cannot be free without a government and armed forces- without a state.

And what kind of state? A state which hears and responds to the voice of the people: the noble and honorable citizens of Shearbank- the patriots and defenders of Shearbank.

What are we proposing? A government elected by the citizens of Shearbank. Shearbank First! is the political party of Shearbank.

Oh, great and noble people of Shearbank- how long can you be unseen and unheard? How long can you be treated as without signifance?

NMGM/PAFS is fighting to safeguard Shearbank's transition to Democracy.

The path to the Presidency is open to any patriotic citizen of Shearbank.

Come to the NMGM/PAFS Discord: https://discord.gg/D3CDTKs

Go to the Discord and register as a Citizen of Shearbank- or should nobility, heroism and love of Shearbank swell up in your blood- let us know that you want to join NMGM/PAFS, that you want to fight on the front lines.

For the safety and security of Shearbank, no non-citizens can be allowed to enter the territory of Shearbank. NMGM/PAFS are citizens (though not all citizens are NMGM/PAFS) and are prepared to enforce the law.

The policy in regards to those who violate the laws of Shearbank is simple: empty the clip and dump the body.

Upon registering as citizens, you are to be given the option to join Shearbank First!, Shearbank's political party. All Shearbank First! members are given the right to vote. As a Shearbank First! member you are permitted to seek office as President of Shearbank and you can also potentially become a party official or a member of the Citizens' Council of Shearbank.

Honor and glory to SHEARBANK!
Shearbank FIRST!

-Amir, Jade Division, NGLM/PAFS Caliph

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